Party First Review at Black Gate

After reading it, I imagined a group of friends were together one evening and wanted to roleplay, but they did not have their rule books and did not want to be weighed down with a lot of runway to get to a game. Pure speculation, but it has that feel that players can pick it up fast and be gaming in minutes. The book is only 46 pages. 46. I do not have a source book on my self that is that short, and while the brevity speaks to a rules light devotion that does not mean that the system is not well thought out or complete.

-Patrick Kanouse, Black Gate Magazine

Patrick Kanouse over at Black Gate Magazine recently wrote up a great review of Party First. We’re very glad that they took the time to go over the game and provide us a little publicity. If you’ve been on the fence about checking the game out, please get a feel for it with this review. Likewise, be sure to check out a lot of their other great content. Chances are, if you like games like Party First, you’ll probably like the rest of Black Gate Magazine.

Party First Review on Black Gate Magazine.

Player and GMs get a lot for 46 pages, and the book is only $4.99 digital, though you can get the digital with a print version for only $9.99. The book is not full of art (which is expensive produce), but it is nicely designed. It is also largely error free. The creators took care in both the design of the system and in putting into a form for the larger world, and that shows.

-Patrick Kanouse, Black Gate Magazine

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